Garmin International

I spent the Summer of 2019 interning at Garmin International. My role was design engineer on two intern projects. While I can’t discuss the details of the projects, I can talk about the major skills I learned. First, I learned how to use Zuken’s PCB design software CADStar. I also learned about working on large projects in a large team. There was a group of about 20 hardware engineers, software engineers, and technicians I worked with daily. I learned a lot from the experienced engineers and good designers, and I’m very grateful for this wonderful internship.

While at Garmin, we did presentations about our internship project. This involved giving a presentation to our managers and then the entire company. My presentation was chosen to compete in a friendly competition Garmin holds for best presentation of project. I did not win the competition, but am thrilled to have been chosen.

I received excellent evaluations from my manager, who noted that I fit well in to team and asked good questions. I will be returning to the team in Summer 2020 and I’m very excited to work at Garmin once again.